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Children's stories help children to come in terms with the real world, to equip them for the future. Here are some interesting stories for kids. Animals doing funny things. Trains, planes everything kids would like to read.

Never Judge Something So Easily!
Micky The Airplane Is Flying
Two Squirrels Fight Over A Nutmeg
Jingo Police And Missing Elephant Baby
Smart Rat And The Greedy Cat
I Am Your Heart
Smoky Has A Story To Tell You
The Stage Fright
When The Lion Had His Nose Turned Red
The Skillful SkateBoard Dog
Jingo, The Baby Circus Elephant
Folks, It's Going To Be Raining
Smarty Fox Reporter Became A News Himself
Escape From A Rogue Elephant
Beating The Summer With A Tunnel
Curiosity Kills, Stay Away From Danger
Flooding Forest And A Lion's Journey
Don't Mess With Your Cats
Mother And Child Elephant Picnic
My Pet Cat Joy
Mutual Help Make Things Easier For All
The Police Car Adventures, A Difficult Mission Accomplished
Fear The Rogue Elephant
Flower And The Honeybird
Why I Never Trust A Cat In My Life
Bunny And The Monkey
What I Fear Most
How The Proud Rooster Became Humble
The Circus Elephant Little Johnny's Accident
Bait Or Not Bait? Think Twice Before You Take A Bite!
The Smart Tortoise Who Fooled The Hunter Lion
How A Dog Saved A Baby Boy From The Snake
Baby Elephant  And The Jackfruit
How Ms. Funny Bunny Won The Beauty Pageant
Story Of A Steam Engine
Missing Missy, A Short Cat Story
Don't Kick Too Hard, Or You Will Lose It
Let's Play Together, The Value Of Sharing
The Trapped Elephant
A Hungry Lion Story
Three Cats In A Boat