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Where Is My Friend?

lion and the bird
Did you see my little friend, a Rabbit?

The lion was chasing a rabbit. But, the rabbit disappeared in a flash of a second. The lion searced everywhere for the missing rabbit, but couldn’t find it. The lion is sure that the rabbit can’t go long.

He saw a bird sitting on the tree. The lion is playing an old trick to learn from the bird where the rabbit is hiding.

“Have you seen my little friend, a rabbit somewhere here? I am worried about his safety, because there are predators roaming around here,” the lion asked the bird, pretending innocense.

The rabbit hid behind the tree prayed that the bird would not fall in the lion’s trick.

“I didn’t see any rabbit here,” said the bird.

Believing the bird, the lion went ahead searching for the rabbit. The rabbit came out of its hiding place, just behind the tree, and thanked the bird for saving his life.

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