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The Frog Fighters

Freddy the frog has a surprise visitor. Another frog is here to claim the pond.

Caged Forever

tiger and the goat story
The goat warned the tiger not to come forward. But the arrogant tiger was not listening to the warning. Read More

Benefits Of Sharing Stories With Children

Sharing stories with children is a great way to make them creative. Reading stories to the children is the best way to build a strong bond with them. Children of course love stories, the more you read, the more intelligent they'll become.

Choosing the right stories for your children is a responsible task. With that in mind get yourself acquainted with the stories you are going to read to your children. In that way, you can make it a fun time together with your children.

How To Welcome A Foreigner The lonely fox met a bird from a foreign land. They became friends fast.
The Monkey Snatcher Story of a Billu, the monkey snatcher who stopped doing the bad thing.
Please Save Me From The Rooster The frog requested the help of the cow to save its life.