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The King Should Be Travelling On An Elephant

lion travelling on an elephant
Le'ts cross the river!

The lion saw a king, hunting in the forest along with his soldiers. The king was sitting on the top of the elephant.

“I am also a king. I also should be traveling on an elephant,” the lion said to himself.

The lion was on the lookout for an elephant. After a long search, the lion saw an elephant.

“Hey, elephant. You know something, a king should be traveling on an elephant. You are going to carry me around the forest. It’s a privilege I am giving you an order from the king,” said the lion.

“Sure, King. I am glad to carry you on my back. I will take you around the forest. Jump upon me, said the elephant.

The lion jumped upon the elephant. It sat on the elephant’s back. The elephant was carrying the lion all the way. The lion loved that experience.

“You are going to carry me forever. From here, I can easily hunt animals,” said the lion. The elephant was shocked to hear that. That means the elephant will be a slave forever to the lion.

“Sure, I will carry you through. Let’s cross this river,” said the elephant.

The elephant walked into the river. In the middle of the river, the elephant shook its body violently. The lion lost its balance and fell into the river. The lion cried for help, but nobody was there to rescue him from the river.

The elephant swam across the river. The lion didn’t know how to swim and drowned in the water. After that day, nobody saw that arrogant lion again.

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