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Old Tiger And The Bird

tiger and the bird
I am here to help you dear tiger

A bird sitting on the tree watched an old tiger walking.

“Hey, what happened? Why are you so weak?” asked the curious bird.

“I am old. It’s even difficult for me to walk. When I was young, I was smart. Now, I am weak. Added to my misery is the hot summer. I think I will die of starvation,” said the tiger.

The bird felt pity for the old tiger.

“You don’t worry. I can help you to find out food to survive. Just follow me,” said the bird.

Following the bird, they reached near a stream.

“Hey, look, you can catch fish sitting here. All you need to do is to climb on the rock and put your hands under the water. If any fish touches, just grab it, and eat it,” said the bird.

The tiger did what the bird asked him to do. Sitting on the rock, the tiger laid his hand in the water. Soon, the first fish struck, and he grabbed the fish. It was a big one. The tiger ate it. He stayed there and ate some more fish to his heart’s content.

“Thank you very much for your kind help. I will stay here until I die,” the tiger said to the bird. The bird was happy.

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