Hold on, my countdown has begun by the people in the control panel. Literally they are counting on me. They want me to have a successful landing on the lunar surface and probe the lunar surface and send them some nice pictures, including my selfie.
I’m engineered to conquer the heights!
I was waiting for this day. I can hear them counting, Three, Two, One, and here I go. The launching pad was filled with my fart, I am just off leaving the earth behind me, and nothing can stop me now.
I’ve got a great speed, I’m engineered to conquer the heights, to fight the gravitational pull. Once I breaks that, the journey is lot easier. I will be flying all the way to the moon but will take me a few days of non-stop flight to reach my lunar destination.
It’s five days since I started off my journey to the moon. Now it’s time to land on the moon. Ok, ready here I come, Mr.Moon, take care of me!. Ah, it was a fine landing. Let me explore the moon. I will send you some nice photographs of the moon. Stay Tuned!
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