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A Decent Job Proposal

lion fox and a giraffe
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You Are A Perfect Fit For Our Job

One day, the lion king and his hunting companion, Mr. cunning fox, were looking for somebody to fill a job opening lying with them.  They saw a long-necked giraffe standing in the meadows.

“Hello, Mr. Giraffe. I have got a piece of good news for you,” said the lion.

“Thank you, Lion king. I am very excited to know about that. Please tell me what the good news is?” asked the giraffe.

“Our search for a good hunting assistant ends in you. You are a perfect fit for the job profile because of your unusual height,” said the lion.

“Can you please tell me what I have to do as your assistant?” asked the giraffe.

About The Job Profile

“All you have to do is work as a spy for us. Look around you and inform me about the unsuspecting animals around us. With your unusual height, you can easily spot any animals around us. You will provide me with the exact details of my hunting targets. That information will help me to hunt down easily. You’ll be handsomely rewarded,” said the fox.

That job profile shocked the giraffe. “I fear I can’t do this job. I don’t want to be a betrayer to my fellow beings. Please excuse me, look for somebody else respected King,” said the giraffe and ran away from the lion.

“He’s a fool. Let’s us find somebody else for the job,” said the lion to his partner, the cunning fox.

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