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Fox And The Camel Story

camel and the fox
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It was night, and the camel was resting after a long and tiresome journey. His masters were sleeping inside their cozy tents.

“Who’s there?” the camel saw two shining eyes in the dark.

“I am a fox here. I came to see you, and I am a well-wisher. I feel pity for you. You are left to spend the whole night outside while your masters sleeping comfortably in their tents. How can you bear this injustice? If you come with me, I will lead you to a place where you can live as a king,” said the fox.

At first, the camel didn’t show interest in that offer. But the fox insisted him that he should go with him for a better life. Finally, the camel gave in. He walked with the fox to the wilderness. After walking for some time, the camel heard a sound.

“Hey, what’s that sound,” asked the camel.

“I didn’t hear any sound,” the fox pretended he didn’t hear anything. But it was a lion’s roar the camel heard. The camel saw birds flying around as if they saw something frightening.

The camel sensed something wrong, and it started running. But the fox and the lion were chasing the camel. It was a long chase. The camel reached the place where he was left by his masters to spend the night. The lion and the fox returned to the forest empty-handed.

“I will never ever listen to a stranger’s voice my life,” the camel said to himself.

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