The baby elephant was bored, with nothing to do. After some time, a cat came that way.
“Hey, cat, I am bored. Please let me know how I get out of my boredom,” asked the baby elephant.
“Oh, baby. I am going fishing. If you want, you can also come with me. You can see how I catch those fish single-handedly. Would you like to come with me?” asked the cat.
“Sure, I will come with you for fishing,” said the baby elephant excitedly.
Both the cat and elephant went fishing. It was a summer afternoon, and the river had a lot of fish swimming around. The cat caught a few fish.
“You are very good at fishing,” complimented the baby elephant.
“Thanks for your compliment, baby. I will go into the middle of the river to get big fish. It’s a lot of thrilling catching fish in the middle of the river,” said the cat.
But not everything went ok as the cat had planned. A strong undercurrent caught the cat in the middle of the river. The cat couldn’t stay in the water and started drowning. Somebody, please help. I am drowning,” the cat screamed.
“Don’t worry. Help is on your way,” said the baby elephant, and he swam across the river. Putting in a lot of effort, the baby elephant saved the cat from the water.
“Thank you, baby, you saved me. It was good that I asked you to come with me,” said the cat.
The baby elephant was happy to save the cat. After taking some rest on the river bank, they went home happy.
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