Sam, the fisherman, accompanied by his cat, was sleeping in his little boat in the the sea. It was late in the night, and the fisherman was very tired. All-day, he couldn’t catch a single fish. But now, a blue whale is smiling at the cat.
“Hey, what’s that shining under the sea?” The curious cat looked under the water. What it saw made the cat tremble with fear. It was a blue whale smiling at the cat.
“Hey, what do you want? Please don’t create any trouble,” the cat said to the blue whale.
“Don’t worry, I also love fishing, but don’t use any bait. All I do is open my mouth and stay there for a while. I catch fish with my wide opened mouth. Let me take you there, and your master will get a lot of fish,” said the blue whale who slowly pushed the boat to another part of the sea.
“Meow, Meow, Mr. Sam, please wake up. You’ll be happy to see what’s happening here. Here there are a lot of fish,” said the cat.
Sam woke up from his deep sleep and saw plenty of fish under the water. The fisherman had a fantastic catch that night. The cat didn’t tell Sam about its encounter with the blue whale. Because a blue whale is every fisherman’s worst dream.
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