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Cat And Dog Encounter

dog and cat cartoon
"Don't play any tricks, you are caught red handed."

The dog caught the cat red-handed while stealing some milk. So the cat requested the dog, “Please leave me for now, I will give you a nice reward that you will not forget in your life.”

“Don’t think I am a fool to trust you, the dogs will never trust cats. But I will give you one chance, only one chance to prove yourself that you are not a liar. If you don’t keep your promise, you will be again caught,” the dog said and let the cat go home.

The next day, the dog was anxiously waiting for the cat for the reward cat promised. Finally, the cat came.  The dog couldn’t hide his excitement. He grabbed the gift box from the cat. The cat had the gift fully wrapped in a colorful box. When the dog opened the box, he couldn’t believe his eyes, it was a fresh pair of bones straight from the butchers’ shop. “Oh, I am so happy today, you kept your promise,” let’s be friends. That day onward, the cat and the dog became good friends.

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