A cow was standing in the backyard, enjoying the warmth of the sunlight. “How beautiful the world around me,” the cow thought. The happy cow looked around, and everything was so bright and shining in the spring morning. The sun smiled at the cow, and she smiled back.
Just then, she noticed something interesting on the ground, a moving egg. “Hey, what the hell is going on here? Why this egg is moving around?” thought the cow. Suddenly, out of the eggshell emerged a cute little duckling.
The cow was happy to see a cute little duckling coming out of the eggshell.
“Welcome, baby,” the cow greeted the duckling.
“Quack, quack, where am I?” asked the confused duckling.
“You just came out of the eggshell. Your mother will be here anytime. She will be happy to see you. Until she comes, be with me,” said the cow.
The cow gave company to the duckling, protecting her from the predators flying above. Soon, the duck mother returned with some worms on her beak. When she saw her baby duckling, she was happy. She hugged her dear baby.
“Look, how cute your little baby is?” said the cow. The duck mother was so proud of her little princes. The duck mother thanked the cow for protecting her dear baby from the predators. The cow was happy to see the mother and child quacking around.
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