Two tigers were talking to each other.
“Hey, you look so tired.” one tiger said to the other.
“What to do? Nowadays, it’s tough to hunt. All the animals have become smarter and faster than we are,” said the other tiger.
“Ok, let’s hunt together, I think that will solve our problem,” said one. Two tigers planned for the day’s hunt.
They saw a big tree. “I think this tree is good enough for our hunting spot. It has got a big branch strong enough to support a tiger. From above the tree, one could see everything happening on the ground. When our prey comes near, all we have to do is to jump up on that animal.”
So both the tigers have come to an agreement. One tiger will sit above the tree, watching the ground, and the other one goes hiding in the bush. When the prey is near, the tiger sitting on the branch will jump, and the one hidden in the bush will come out to help him.
One tiger climbed upon the tree and made himself comfortable on the tree branch. Around midnight, the tiger on the tree heard a sound. He saw a rabbit hopping around.
But something went wrong. Instead of a rabbit, the tiger landed on a hard surface. To its utter disappointment, the tiger realized that it landed on the top of his friend. The tiger from the bush when it saw the rabbit was also following the rabbit to catch it, and the the tiger on the tree landed on the other tiger.
The tigers learned a lesson the hard way. Stick to what they agree on each other.
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