Jonah, a prophet, was asked to deliver a prophecy to the people of Nineveh so they would turn away from their wrongdoings. But the prophet didn’t obey god and took a ship traveling in the opposite direction.
On his way, the sea was harsh. The people of the ship saw something was wrong. Finally, they understood that Jonah was a prophet of the true god who was running away from his god-given assignment, and because of him, the ship would wreck.
Jonah insisted they throw him out of the ship to save themselves from the wrath of the god, and they did exactly that. They threw Jonah out of the ship.
Going down, Jonah cried for help. A whale was waiting under the water for Jonah and swallowed him. Now Johan was in the belly of the whale. He started praying.
On the third day, the ship vomited Jonah to the land. Jonah went to preach the prophecy to the people of Nineveh.
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