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Anxious Bird

anxious bird
Hey, Where Are You My Darling?

I am deeply worried, why he is not yet back home, never gets this late. I hope that he is alright. Sometimes those farmers turn very nasty on birds.  They think that the birds are destroying their corps and put traps on us.

We live in this beautiful home. This treehouse is a great place to live. The climate is so good and our neighbors too. Do you know that this tree has survived a lot of wind and rain, and still standing strong?

Ah, here he comes, thank God! Hey, why are you so late? I was very upset about you. Oh, dear, I am too sorry, on the way, I met one of my old friends, and we had good a chat. 

My friend says that he knows a place where birds are being fed by a man. Tomorrow he promised me that he will show me that place. If this is true, then we will never have to worry about our food, darling!

Oh, I am very relieved to hear that. Anyway, be careful about those farmers who put bird traps. Yes, darling, I know about it, I will be careful, I promise you. Don’t worry.

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