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An Elephant Visit And A Donkey

cartoon of a donkey and an elephant
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A donkey was the first to spot the elephant coming from the forest.

“Hello, Mr. Elephant. Welcome to my village,” the donkey welcomed the elephant to the village.

“Oh, thank you, dear,” the elephant said.

While they were talking, the elephant heard a loud noise from a distance. The villagers, who wanted to get rid of the elephant from their village, were shouting and beating drums to frighten the elephant and send the elephant back to the forest.

“See, the villagers are welcoming you. Enjoy yourself,” said the donkey.

The poor elephant believed whatever the donkey said. Soon, the poor elephant saw a crowd surrounding the elephant and shouting at it.

The villagers were not kind enough to the elephant and started pelting stones at the elephant. The elephant realized it was not a welcome party, but the villagers wanted to get rid of him. The poor elephant turned back and ran for shelter, reaching the forest.

Some are like this donkey, who says good things even if the situation is not good. They want to please us by telling us false things. If we listen to them, then we will be in trouble.

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