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The Cheetah Trap

cheetah spotted a goat
Um, today is my lucky day!

The cheetah was in the village looking for an easy hunt. Roaming around the village without getting noticed by the anbody, the cheetah spotted a goat. The goat was stabdubg there unaware of the cheetah’s presnce.

“Wow, I am in luck. This goat is mine,” cheetah said to himself.

He employed his sharp senses to see if everything is clear, so that he could catch the goat. After making sure everything was ok, the cheetah jumped.

But to its shock, the cheetah was trapped inside a cage that fell upon him from above the tree. It was a trap. The caged cheetah cursed himself for being so fast in making a judgement. After sometimes, the villagers came to see the trapped cheetah. It was their dream project to catch the chetah live. Soon, the cheetah was transported to the zoo, where it had to spend rest of his years.

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