“Hey, who just poked me?”
The baby bear was waiting for his mother. She went to collect some honey. The baby bear liked the honey so much and was eager to taste the sweet, fresh honey.
The baby bear felt something on his back, poking him. He turned back and saw a cute baby elephant.
“Hey, friend, let’s play together,” the baby elephant invited the baby bear to play, and they started playing together.
When the baby bear’s mother returned, she saw two babies playing together. She was happy to see the baby elephant playing with her baby.
“Glad to see you both playing together. Taste some honey,” then the mother bear gave some honey to the baby bear and the baby elephant.
“This honey is so sweet,” said the baby bear and the baby elephant in one voice.
“Yes, but not sweeter than your friendship,” said the mother bear and smiled at the babies enjoying the honey.
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