![lion sailing in the boat](../assets/images/articles/lionboatsailingaway.jpg)
The Lion’s Adventure
Oops, What the hell is happening? Where is this thing taking me?
The lion made a big mistake by stepping into the boat to see what was inside. Unfortunately, the boat untied from the tree it was tied to. The boat started moving away from the land.
Who will help the lion? If the lion couldn’t make it to the land, he was going to a waterfall.
“Hey, there. What are you doing in the boat?” asked an unfamiliar sound from under the boat. Lion looked down. He saw a crocodile.
“Bro, I am in trouble. Can you help me?” asked the lion.
“Ok, let me see how I can help you,” said the croc, and called his friends for help. Together, the crocs pushed the boat against the current.
After spending a lot of time, they were successful. The boat was on the side of the lake. The lion jumped out of the boat, thanked the crocodile friends for their help, and disappeared into the forest.
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Matthew: Lion's Adventure