Every day a fox comes to the rabbits and goes grabbing one rabbit. All rabbits in the forest were frightened by the fox. Every day, they lived in fear. Who’ll be the next?
One day, the fox came as usual. This time, a smart rabbit was determined to end the fox’s routine. So he had an idea in mind.
“Hey, Mr. Fox, the number of rabbits in this area is coming down. There are plenty of rabbits on that island,” the rabbit pointed to an island in the middle of the sea.
“But, how will I go?” asked the fox.
“No problem. I will arrange a boat for you. We’ll go together, and you can get the rabbits,” said the rabbit.
So they set out for the island. The fox and the rabbit together were riding in the boat.
They were near the island. “We can’t go near the island as the boat will get stuck in the sand. Please jump from the boat to the island,” said the rabbit.
Without thinking, the fox jumped from the boat. Once on the island the hungry fox started looking for the rabbits. But the fox couldn’t find any rabbits. He was angry at the rabbit who took him to the island.
From the top of a hill on the island, the fox saw that shocking sight. The rabbit was going back in the boat without him.
“Hey, stop there, take me also,” shouted the fox. But the rabbit was rowing the boat without looking back. Once the rabbit reached the shore, he waved at the fox, and said goodbye. The fox realized that he had fallen into a trap by the rabbit. But it was too late.
The rabbits never had to face the fox again and lived a fearless life rest of their lives.
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Sam: Have a nice time Mr. Fox. Don't come back to the rabbits again! Go fishing in the sea.