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Escape From A Rogue Elephant

elephant standing before the truck
Oh, the elephant is staring at us, how we will escape?

The Rogue elephant, tall, mercilessly thrashes anything he dislikes. He saw some village children, collecting firelogs for their family. They were on the other side of the road. Seeing the children on his way, the rogue elephant stopped there staring at the them. One of the children saw the big animal and got fear struck. For the villagers, a Rogue elephant means death. 

Children couldn’t move out of fear. So they stood still without even blinking their eyes. They knew that any kind of movement will make the rogue elephant angry. Their hearts were beating high.  The elephant with its long trunk wore a cruel look on its face. Time ticked away and there was an absolute silence. 

They all heard a roaring sound from a distance. It was the sound of a big truck, which was passing through that place to the nearby city. The long truck stopped there in between the children and the elephant. The truck driver signaled the children to escape. The children had a miraculous escape from the elephant. The truck driver started the vehicle and drove away making sure that the children are out of the sight of the elephant.

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