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Story Of An Unusual Race

horse and the car
I challenge you for a race, Mr. Horse

One day, the wandering horse in the countryside saw a car. The car was beautiful and cute. The horse looked at the car out of curiosity.

“Hey, there, let’s race. People say you are the fastest animal in the world. I just want to prove that I am faster than you,” said the car.

“Ok, let’s race,” the horse agreed. The car and the horse decided on a time and venue for the race.

The race started, and the car started off with a loud sound. The horse also started running but was way behind.

“I think I will fail in the race,” thought the horse. But it continued to run.

After running for a few miles, the car stopped. But the horse was still running and got ahead in the race.

The horse was declared the winner of the race. The horse was curious about what made the car stop. So it came back to the place where the car had stopped.

“Hey, what happened? I thought you would be winning the race?” asked the horse.

“It’s my fault. I didn’t know that I was low on fuel. My fuel meter was not working. Anyways, congratulations on winning the race,” said the car and waited there to get refueled.

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