It was a cold winter afternoon. The smarty fox reporter was busy all day. He needs something to report every day for his “Fox Times” newspaper. Actually, there was no shortage of news in the forest. Accidents, avalanches, animal Fights, etc., were some of his favorite subjects smarty fox used to cover in his “Fox Times” newspaper. m
Chasing Hotnews
Smarty Fox loved his job as a journalist. He loved his job so much that he found himself busy looking for new and developing stories. While not in his office, the smarty fox could be spotted skiing around to find something worth reporting for his newspaper. He considered himself an expert skier and a great journalist.
One day, our smarty was skiing at a top speed to report a piece of terrifying news. He wanted to cover the hot news that two young bears were fighting. He had to reach the fighting bears before anybody else to cover the news hot.
“Ooops, what is happening,” the fox couldn’t understand what the hell was going on with his ski board. He lost his balance, and his ski board overturned. When the fox regained consciousness, he found himself lying in a hospital bed full of bandages. The funny thing is that still, he was happy because he got a piece of hot news for tomorrow. “Smarty Fox Met With An Accident, But Escaped Miraculously” was the headline.
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