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Crocodile And The Puppy

Crocodile taking a puppy in its hand
Don't worry baby

“Hey, little pup, what are you doing here all alone?” asked Mrs. Croc, her voice surprisingly gentle.

The puppy whimpered, “I…I lost my way home!” Tears welled up in his big, brown eyes.

“Oh, you poor thing!” Mrs. Croc exclaimed. “Don’t worry, little one. I’ll help you get back.” She carefully scooped the puppy up in her big, strong hand (don’t worry, she was very careful!) and started to search.
Mrs. Croc knew how important it was to get home safe. She looked and looked, sniffing the air like a super-sleuth. Finally, she spotted a familiar-looking house with lots of wagging tails!

She carried the puppy closer. Standing on the porch was the puppy’s mommy! She looked very worried. When she saw Mrs. Croc holding her little one, her eyes went wide!

Mrs. Croc gently put the puppy down. “Here you go,” she said with a smile. “All safe and sound.”

The puppy’s mommy rushed over and hugged her baby tight. She looked at Mrs. Croc, surprised but grateful.

Mrs. Croc chuckled. “I know what it’s like to be a mom,” she said. “I have little crocodiles of my own. I know how scary it is when your little one is lost.” And with a wave of her tail, Mrs. Croc went on her way, happy to have helped.

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