Coward Lion he was,always anxious about silly things. Other lions never treated him as their equal, because of his fear. How does the lion turned into a coward? It was because of a fox, his best buddy. The fox told lion all sorts of scary stories, which made him live a coward’s life.
One day, while the lion was sleeping inside his cave, he woke up from his sleep, hearing heavy footsteps outside his cave.His first thought was there is someone coming to kill him. But he was for a big surprise. It was none other than his big brother Loki.
Both the lions talked in length about many things since they got separated. They shared their stories with each other. “These days, I am so scared,” the lion said to his brother. “Don’t be a coward, You are a brave lion, and you are the king, there is no need to fear,” Loki said to him. From their conversation, Loki understood that his brother’s best buddy, the cunning fox has made his brother a coward.
The next day, the fox fellow came to the lion and told him that a big elephant is coming on his way. Loki lion, who was sleeping inside the cave overheard the conversation and appeared before them. The fox tried to scare him too. But Loki said to the fox that the lions are brave and fear nobody. Let the elephant come and I will handle him he said.
They waited for the Elephant, but nobody came. It turned out that the fox was telling a lie to scare the lion. Loki told his brother that he was being scared by the fox telling him false stories. “You befriend other lions, and you’ll be brave like them,” he said. He asked the fox to leave his brother at once, and not to come back again. “If you are ever seen with my brother again, that will be the end of your life,” he said. Fox ran for his life, and never returned to the lion. From that day onward, the lion didn’t fear anything, because he knew that the fox was telling him false stories to scare him. He regained the strength and live a Lion’s Life.
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