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Life Out Of The Cattleshed

cow and the lion
Oops, I Am In Danger

The cow was running in the meadows, enjoying its newfound freedom. Somehow, the cow managed to escape from the cattle shed.

“Wow, this fresh air makes me so energetic. Life outside that boring cattle shed feels like heaven. I will never return to that hell,” she said to herself.

The cow tasted the fresh grass in the meadows, and she liked it very much.

Unexpected Encounter

“Hey, who’s that? She saw a lion before her. The cow had no idea what to do. The lion roared at the cow, and the cow was terrified. With all her strength, the cow started running towards the cattle shed. The lion chased the cow. But before the lion could catch the cow, the cow reached the cattle shed. The disappointed lion returned to the forest.

“Hey, our friend is back,” other cows in the cattle shed gathered around the cow to listen to her adventure out of the cattle shed.

“Dears, this cattle shed is a heaven for us. Don’t ever go out of this cattle shed,” the cow said, and she told them about her unpleasant encounter with the lion.

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